Journal of Biomedical Research & Environmental Sciences Open Access Journals aim is to bring valuable and quality scientific research information to the readers. It is a privilege in reviewing a manuscript written by a scientist. It will be a good educational experience. However, it is also a time-taking work. Journal of Biomedical Research & Environmental Sciences and its honorable authors, editors and readers therefore appreciate your interest to agree to this responsibility and your commitment. We hope that these guidelines will facilitate to complete your work easier.
The Reviewer
The Reviewer plays an essential role in peer review process to improve the quality of all the published articles in Journal of Biomedical Research & Environmental Sciences Journal of Biomedical Research & Environmental Sciences invites researchers, scientists, academicians and scholars in serving as volunteer reviewer to improve the quality of the journals Peer Review is the main process for quality checking, validation and publication. The Journal of Biomedical Research & Environmental Sciences Reviewers also have the responsibility of providing genuine, valuable and productive review comments and criticism about the submitted articles. The submitted comments and reviews are very important factors for the Editors to make a decision on the manuscript.
The Peer Review Process
The Journals of Journal of Biomedical Research & Environmental Sciences are subjected to double-blinded peer review process. When content is accessible for peer review, the complete details of the author (name, affiliations and Telephone, E-mail, Fax) will not reveal to the Reviewers. The authors are kept in complete blindness about the identity of the Reviewers. The Reviewers should respond promptly to the editorial team. Reviewers should evaluate the originality, accuracy of each article and provide honest comments on the work submitted.
Some points to note
- The Reviewer should have the expertise to carry the peer-reviewing process by themself.
- The Reviewer cannot edit any contents presented in the manuscript.
- The Reviewer has no rights to any form of personal accusations. Reviewer can present confidential feedback to the Editorial Board Member.
- The Reviewers should protect the confidentiality of the article. Reviewer has no rights to disclose any information given in the article.
- The Reviewer should not attempt to reveal his identity and may not contact the author without due permission from the editor.
- Reviewer comments and reviews must never be influenced by the religion, race, nationality, ethnicity, origin, language, gender or any political agencies.