Peer review involves assigning the author's research work to the other experts in the same field to check its suitability for publication. A peer review helps the publisher to decide whether a work should be accepted or not. It is one of the crucial step before publishing the article online.
Typically the manuscript will be reviewed within 21 days.
Let us know the procedure for it:
The manuscript is assigned to referees with a time limit of one week.
The comments of 5 referees are assemble within span of a week.
The referee’s reports are submitted to author in order to revise the manuscript which usually takes about 2 weeks to 1 month depending upon the author's Convenience.
The revised manuscripts will be returned to the initial referees, usually within 1 month.
The necessary modifications are congregate from the initial referees within span of 2weeks.
The author revise the manuscript according to the referee’s consent.
Finally the article is published online.