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Open access to Biomedical Research and Environmental Sciences
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Research Article in Radiation Therapy, Nuclear Medicine
Investigation of the Mass Attenuation Coefficients, Effective Atomic Numbers and Electron Densities for Compounds of Painkiller
Case Report in Vascular Medicine, Clinical Cardiology
Triggered by Covid-19? Large Vascular Occlusion Resulting in Cytokine Storm Syndrome and Kounis Syndrome: A Case Report
Research Article in Radiation Therapy, Nuclear Medicine
Measurement of Total Electronic Cross-Section, Total Atomic Cross-Section, Effective Atomic Numbers, Effective Electron Densities and Kerma for Some Br Compounds
Mini Review in Biotechnology, Toxicology
Synthesis of Zinc Oxide, Titanium Dioxide and Magnesium Dioxide Nanoparticles and Their Prospective in Pharmaceutical and Biotechnological Applications
Editorial in Oncology, Pain and Relief, Cardiovascular Diseases, Clinical Cardiology
Multifaceted Medical and Scientific Approaches and the Role of the Public in Combating the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Digital Era
Research Article in Anesthesiology, Emergency Medicine, Nephrology
Risk Factors Associated with Mortality among Chronic Kidney Disease Patients on Regular Hemodialysis Presenting in Emergency Services
Short Communication in Gastroenterology
Famotidine Research Progress