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A study on Transaminases in Lindane Exposed Fish C. punctatus

Biology Group    Start Submission

Aradhna Gupta and Bechan Sharma*

Dates: Received: 2023-06-11 | Accepted: 2023-06-29 | Published: 2023-06-30
Pages: 1100-1107


The transaminases such as Glutamate Oxaloacetate Transaminase (GOT or AST) and Glutamate Pyruvate Transaminase (GPT or ALT) are the key enzymes known for their roles in utilization of protein and carbohydrates. The activities of these two enzymes have been shown to alter in fish and other organisms due to pesticide stress. Therefore, the study was initiated to monitor the levels of these enzymes in C. punctatus exposed to 3 subacute concentrations of lindane (0.025, 0.05, 0.1 mg/l) for 96h. The results showed increase in activity of AST and ALT in all the tissue of fish at highest concentration; the values being in following order: gills>kidney>brain>heart>muscle>liver for AST and for ALT the values were in following order: brain>muscles=kidney>gills>liver>heart, after 96hr treatment period. At highest concentration of lindane (0.1 mg/l) tested the maximum rise in AST activity was found in gills (50.84%) and minimum in liver (27.99%). The other organs such as kidney, brain, heart and muscle exhibited 49.42, 45.14, 39.70 and 33.50% rise, respectively. The activity of ALT, however, showed maximum increase in brain (59.60%) and minimum in heart (30.26%) at highest concentration of lindane (0.1 mg/l) tested. The kidney, muscle, gills and liver registered 57.00, 57.02, 52.63 and 38.18% rise, respectively, under this condition.

FullText HTML FullText PDF DOI: 10.37871/jbres1773

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© 2023 Gupta A, et al. Distributed under Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0

How to cite this article

Gupta A, Sharma B. A study on Transaminases in Lindane Exposed Fish C. punctatus. 2023 June 28; 4(6): 1100- 1107. doi: 10.37871/jbres1773, Article ID: JBRES1773, Available at:

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