Olga Stupishina*, Elena Golovina, Sergei Noskov, Gennady Eremin and Sergei Gorbanev
Dates: Received: 2022-12-12 | Accepted: 2022-12-29 | Published: 2022-12-30
Pages: 1548-1561
The work proposed the results of the investigation of helio-geo-physical and meteorological factors variations those were matching the different cardio-events. Those events were recorded by 6 medical institutes (state establishments) of Saint Petersburg. The findings show the importance of the solar radiobursts impact, the daily spread of the geomagnetic field variations, the changing of the atmosphere pressure systems for the creation of the dangerous situation for the people with the cardiac disasters. Also alternative safe for such people environmental situation is shown.
FullText HTML FullText PDF DOI: 10.37871/jbres1634
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© 2022 Stupishina O, et al. Distributed under Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0
How to cite this article
Stupishina O, Golovina E, Noskov S, Eremin G, Gorbanev S. The Environmental Circumstances of Cardiovascular Disasters in Saint Petersburg, Summer 2002. 2022 Dec 30; 3(12): 1548-1561. doi: 10.37871/jbres1634, Article ID: JBRES1634, Available at: https://www.jelsciences.com/articles/jbres1634.pdf
Subject area(s)
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- Solar data source: Space Weather Prediction Center.
- Satellite GOES data source: Space Weather Prediction Center.
- Geomagnetic data source: INTERMAGNET- the global network of observatories monitoring the Earth’s magnetic field, Nurmijarvi observatory, St. Petersburg observatory.
- Ionosphere data source: Space Weather Prediction Center.
- Meteorological data source.
- Synoptic data.
- Heart Disease and Sudden Cardiac Death, Written by WebMD Editorial Contributors, Medically Reviewed by Beckerman J on June 19, 2020.
- Practice Essentials.