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Review Article

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Shedding Light on Child Physical Abuse and its Ramifications: A Review

Medicine Group    Start Submission

Ami Rokach*

Dates: Received: 2022-08-17 | Accepted: 2022-10-16 | Published: 2022-10-17
Pages: 1194-1203


Physical child abuse has been practiced since the early days of humanity, but it is only in the past twenty years that it has been recognized that hitting or physically maltreating a child is actually abusing them. This article reviews the prevalence, symptoms, types and causes of child physical abuse, ending with examining what are the ramifications of such abuse.

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© 2022 Rokach A. Distributed under Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0

How to cite this article

Rokach A. Shedding Light on Child Physical Abuse and its Ramifications: A Review. 2022 Oct 17; 3(10): 1194-1203. doi: 10.37871/jbres1578, Article ID: JBRES1578, Available at:

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