Covid-19 Research

Review Article

OCLC Number/Unique Identifier:

Convergence in Diplomacy, Geopolitics and International Cooperation for Human Health and Environment

General Science    Start Submission

Chrysanthus Chukwuma SR*

Dates: Received: 2022-07-29 | Accepted: 2022-08-08 | Published: 2022-08-11
Pages: 895-904


Global challenges require interactive global solutions. The disparities of inter alia scarce resources, military efforts, trade, and transboundary realizations of pollutants and irritants into the biosphere correlate to the multidimensional origin of health and environmental perturbations. Thus, taking into cognizance the inherent complexity of the world, it has become necessary to inculcate all pertinent concerns in decision making locally and globally. The levels of significant risk factors and social decision-making continue to undergo diverse alterations in several countries with their attendant geopolitics, gain-of-function research in biosecurity, environment, and health which necessitate international cooperation for peaceful coexistence within and across borders. A proper understanding of the cumulative impact of these changes in erstwhile, current and future trends is vital to harness and curb environmental health disasters in vulnerable ecosystem cadastres. Changes or trends in risk factor presentations or levels can be determined via disparate or collaborative spatiotemporal specific environmental cadastre and health surveys. International conflicts, hostilities, war, commodity crisis, inflation, trade imperfection, supply-chain disruption and labour shortages are being rebranded by multinationals and industrialized countries as health and environmentally virtuous policies.

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© 2022 Chrysanthus Chukwuma SR. Distributed under Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0

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Chrysanthus Chukwuma SR. Convergence in Diplomacy, Geopolitics and International Cooperation for Human Health and Environment. J Biomed Res Environ Sci. 2022 Aug 11; 3(8): 895-904. doi: 10.37871/jbres1529, Article ID: JBRES1529, Available at:

Subject area(s)


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