Geetha S*, Guganathan M, Giridharan G, Umashankar V, Samuel G, Marteen N, Jagadeeshwari C, Vetrichelvi G, Jinu Kumar R, Abdul Sukur H, Amirtharani R, Thyagarajan N, Georgi Abraham and Latha A Kumaraswami
Dates: Received: 2021-06-23 | Accepted: 2021-06-30 | Published: 2021-06-30
Pages: 529-531
Tamilnad Kidney Research Foundation (TANKER Foundation) which was established in 1993 to support kidney disease related care to underprivileged people. It has now eleven dialysis units in the state of Tamilnadu, India.
COVID-19 pandemic has put enormous challenges for the dialysis staff. Here we describe how we face the challenges from March 2020 till now without interrupting or closing down the dialysis units. The no of dialysis staff who have got infected are 21% which required only home quarantine and symptomatic remedies. Our experience can be emulated by other charity organization which provide kidney care.
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DOI: 10.37871/jbres1271
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© 2021 Geetha S, et al. Distributed under Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0
How to cite this article
Geetha S, Guganathan M, Giridharan G, Umashankar V, Samuel G, Marteen N, Jagadeeshwari C, Vetrichelvi G, Jinu Kumar R, Abdul Sukur H, Amirtharani R, Thyagarajan N, Abraham G, Kumaraswami LA. Challenges Faced By Nursing and Dialysis Staffs during COVID-19 Pandemic - Tanker Foundation a Model Organization. J Biomed Res Environ Sci. 2021 June 30; 2(6): 529-531. doi: 10.37871/jbres1271, Article ID: jbres1271, Available at:
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